Scientific Meeting of the Faculty of Geology – March 10, 2023

We invite you to participate in the Scientific Meeting of the Faculty of Geology of the University of Warsaw on March 10, 2023 (Friday) at 1:00 p.m.
“Temporal Resolution of Fossil Samples“
The presentation in English will be delivered by: Michał Kowalewski, PhD, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida
The meeting will be held in room 1099 (20 people) and via the Google Meet platform
Invites You
Dean of the Faculty of Geology
Due to time-averaging (age mixing), fossils preserved together within single strata typically represent organisms that died at different times. The extent of time-averaging determines the temporal resolution of fossil samples and represents one of the most fundamental characteristics of the paleobiological data. Quantitative dating of skeletal remains from present-day depositional systems and numerical modeling both predict that typical paleontological samples should be mixed temporally over centennial-to-millennial time scales. However, the resolution of samples varies notably across taxa and environmental settings. Despite all challenges and uncertainties, our growing understanding of time-averaging processes is improving our ability to interpret the fossil record.