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Posiedzenie Naukowe Wydziału Geologii – 10.03.2023 r.

Zapraszamy do udziału w Posiedzeniu Naukowym Wydziału Geologii UW w dniu 10 marca 2023 r. (piątek) o godz. 13:00.

“Temporal Resolution of Fossil Samples“ (Rozdzielczość czasowa próbek paleontologicznych)

Referat w języku angielskim wygłosi: dr Michał Kowalewski, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida

Posiedzenie odbędzie się w sali 1099 (20 osób)  oraz za pośrednictwem platformy Google Meet https://meet.google.com/dkc-papd-biw

Serdecznie zaprasza
Dziekan Wydziału Geologii

Due to time-averaging (age mixing), fossils preserved together within single strata typically represent organisms that died at different times. The extent of time-averaging determines the temporal resolution of fossil samples and represents one of the most fundamental characteristics of the paleobiological data. Quantitative dating of skeletal remains from present-day depositional systems and numerical modeling both predict that typical paleontological samples should be mixed temporally over centennial-to-millennial time scales. However, the resolution of samples varies notably across taxa and environmental settings. Despite all challenges and uncertainties, our growing understanding of time-averaging processes is improving our ability to interpret the fossil record.